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    Home News Flatfix wave plus now also for wider panels

    Flatfix fusion made suitable for larger panels

    8 July 2021

    As of today, July 8, Esdec will change the name of FlatFix Wave to FlatFix Wave Plus. The reason for the name change is that we want to develop different configurations of the FlatFix Wave system in the near future, based on the core elements of Wave (assembled module, tool-less clamping, high-compliance features).

    Wider panels

    The current configuration of the system and its components remain the same. However, with changing the name we did add a few new components that enable the mounting of even wider panels with FlatFix Wave Plus. After all, solar panels are not only getting longer, but also wider.

    • With a longer unit you can now mount panels up to 1149 mm wide. In concrete terms, this means that in addition to the current length of the unit, a new unit (about 6 cm added on each side of the unit) is available per 8 July.
    • The length of the panels (up to 2500 mm) is not an issue as two base units support each panel for maximized support. Stabilizers that ensure the rigidity of the system are now also available in two additional lengths. The wind deflector kit has also been adapted for this longer dual unit.


    It is not yet possible to do a full project calculation with wider panels in the Esdec calculator. When you now select a wide panel (1070 mm and up) in the calculator, you will be referred to our project engineering department for support. Our experts are at your service and will calculate your entire project including ballasting plan for you.